Russia-Norway 'early notification' protocol signed

Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Russia-Norway September 2015 - 48Russia and Norway yesterday signed a protocol on the practical measures required for their inter-governmental agreement on early notification of nuclear accidents and exchange of information on nuclear facilities. The protocol was signed in Vienna during the International Atomic Energy Agency's General Conference by Rosatom director general Sergey Kirienko and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority director general Ole Harbitz.

Russia and Norway yesterday signed a protocol on the practical measures required for their inter-governmental agreement on early notification of nuclear accidents and exchange of information on nuclear facilities. The protocol was signed in Vienna during the International Atomic Energy Agency's General Conference by Rosatom director general Sergey Kirienko and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority director general Ole Harbitz.

Russia-Norway September 2015 - 460 (Rosatom)
Harbitz and Kirienko sign the agreement in Vienna (Image: Rosatom)

The protocol includes new procedures for information exchange on various aspects of nuclear and radiation safety, the Russian state nuclear corporation said. These make the entire process between the two countries more systematized, it added. The new document covers nuclear power plants, including Russia's Kola and Leningrad nuclear power plants, nuclear reactors aboard ships, fresh and used nuclear fuel storage, as well as research and other reactors located in Norway and within the 300km border with Russia.

Rosatom said: "This package of joint measures is undoubtedly to strengthen environmental control in the region and to develop neighbourly relations and cooperation in various areas."

The protocol has been developed in full compliance with the international commitments and national laws of the two countries, as well as IAEA documents, Rosatom said. In the near future, Russia plans to sign similar documents with other countries that share a border and common interests with Russia, to ensure nuclear and environmental safety, it said.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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