Russia-Mexico agreement enters into force
An intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Mexico on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy has entered into force, Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom announced today. The two countries signed the agreement in December 2013.
"In compliance with a note sent by the Embassy of the United Mexican States to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the agreement entered into force on 18 July 2015," Rosatom said.
The document establishes the legal framework for cooperation in the field of nuclear energy in a wide range of areas, Rosatom said. These include: basic and applied research; the design, construction, operation, life extension, decommissioning and training in the operation of nuclear power and research reactors; the provision and development of nuclear fuel cycle services, namely the supply of nuclear fuel for research and power reactors, and radioactive waste management; the development, design and production of materials and components for power and research reactors; ensuring nuclear and radiation safety, radiation protection and emergency response; the regulation of nuclear and radiation safety and radiation protection, the supervision of the physical protection of nuclear installations, radiation sources, storage facilities, nuclear materials and radioactive substances; the production of radioisotopes and their application in industry, medicine and agriculture; the education and training of specialists in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear energy.
The agreement provides for the formation of a joint steering committee to develop specific areas of cooperation, monitor the implementation of the agreement and further consultations on matters relating to the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, Rosatom said.
The parties have agreed to the implementation of the agreement by establishing joint working groups to carry out specific projects and research, exchange of experts, organization of seminars and symposia, the promotion of the education and training of scientific and technical personnel and the exchange of scientific and technical information.
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by World Nuclear News