UK team develops technology for real time weld inspections

Friday, 18 February 2022
A new technology developed by a Cavendish Nuclear-led consortium enables real time detection of defects in fusion welding processes as they occur.
UK team develops technology for real time weld inspections
The AWESIM project test rig at NAMRC (Image: Cavendish Nuclear)

The technology was developed by the Automated Welding Equipment System Inspection and Monitoring (AWESIM) consortium, which includes Cavendish Nuclear, Doosan Babcock Ltd, the Advanced Nuclear Research Centre at University of Strathclyde, the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (NAMRC) at University of Sheffield, Peak NDT Ltd, Babcock International Group and Frazer Nash Ltd.

As part of its primary function, AWESIM gathers high resolution data from several different sensors being used to interrogate the fusion welding process in real time and uses computer algorithms to rapidly analyse the data. This process gives operators an immediate indication of the presence or not of welding defects. The sensors involved include acoustic, laser profiling, cameras and temperature compensated phased array ultrasound, among others.

The partners claim the technology will "yield greater schedule certainty, take hours out of the process, help to significantly reduce the incidence of abortive welds, drive productivity up and ensure sustainability is optimised by reducing the energy and materials used in the weld."

The AWESIM consortium has filed patents on the technology and is now working towards its commercial launch.

"The technology generated by the AWESIM project marks a step change in the ability to detect defects in welds in real time," said Cavendish Nuclear's Managing Director Mick Gornall. "Commercialisation and deployment of the technology is now being planned so that users can make a significant contribution to Net Zero 2050."

"Our AWESIM technology is capable of reducing the time taken between forming a fusion weld and knowing it is free from defects from several hours to minutes," noted Cavendish Nuclear's Head of Innovation and Technology Tony Burnett.

"Closing the time taken for feedback between welding and non-destructive weld inspection to such short durations enables significant productivity and sustainability improvements, provides greater schedule certainty so saving time and money while maintaining quality."

Bert Holt, Director of Nuclear Lifetime Programmes at Doosan Babcock, added: "The AWESIM project has demonstrated the power of collaboration in innovation between the academic and industrial partners in projects enabled by the judicious application of government funding to make a real tangible impact in bringing new, potentially disruptive technology to the market.

"The extent of the application of the patented AWESIM technology to nuclear new build projects such as the future Sizewell C, UK SMR and AMR builds in the UK and similar projects internationally is expected to be great; however, its use in other industry sectors involving high integrity welding, such as the defence and process industries, are likely to be even more significant."

The AWESIM project began in April 2020 with almost GBP1.35 million (USD1.8 million) worth of funding provided by the UK's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy as part of the Nuclear Innovation Programme Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Phase 2b call. A further GBP726,000 of industrial support was provided by the industrial partners in the consortium to complete the project.

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