UAE nuclear program reaches out to public

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Al_Hammadi_ENEC_forum_161214_(ENEC)_48Senior figures from the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation are attending open public forums to explain the progress of the United Arab Emirates' nuclear energy program.

Senior figures from Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) are attending open public forums to explain the progress of the United Arab Emirates' nuclear energy program.

CEO Mohamed Al Hammadi addresses today's ENEC forum (Image: ENEC)

The day-long meetings are being held in Silla, in the west of the country, and in Abu Dhabi. The forums will allow residents and other interested stakeholders to receive the latest project updates and next steps in the UAE's program to build four nuclear power plants, directly from ENEC CEO Mohamed Al Hammadi and other senior figures, including safety specialists.

Work is under way on three of the four Korean-designed APR-1400 reactors planned for the UAE's first nuclear power plant at Barakah, 300 km west of Abu Dhabi. According to ENEC, unit 1 is now more than 60% complete and is on schedule for connection to the UAE grid by 2017. Unit 2 is expected to start up in 2018 with unit 3, for which the concrete basemat was poured in September, scheduled for the start of operations in 2019. Construction is formally due to begin on unit 4 in 2015, with a target start-up date of 2020.

Transparency has long been recognised as a key principle underpinning the UAE's nuclear program, alongside non-proliferation, safety and security and sustainability. "An important part of the project is our communications and outreach program where we inform and educate UAE residents about nuclear energy, and how it will play an important part in the growth of the country's economic development," Al Hammadi said.

ENEC said it will discuss topics including radiation, the efficiency of nuclear energy, and the training and development of local talent through its Energy Nuclear Pioneers Program.

When complete, the four Barakah units are expected to meet around 25% of the UAE's electricity requirements.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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