Third generator arrives for Tianwan 3

Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Tianwan 3 SG arrival 48The third of four Russian-produced steam generators has now been delivered to the construction site of unit 3 of the Tianwan nuclear power plant in China's Jiangsu province.

The third of four Russian-produced steam generators has now been delivered to the construction site of unit 3 of the Tianwan nuclear power plant in China's Jiangsu province.

Tianwan 3 SG arrival - 460 (CNNC)
The component is unloaded at the Tianwan quay (Image: CNNC)

The PGV-1000M steam generator has a diameter of just over 4 meters, a height of 5 meters and a length of 16 meters. It weighs 378 tonnes and an operating life of 40 years.

It was produced by Russian heavy equipment manufacturer ZIO-Podolsk - a subsidiary of Atomenergomash (AEM), which is part of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom.

A ship carrying the component left the Russian port of Saint Petersburg on 25 December 2014 and arrived at the Chinese port of Lianyungang on 1 March. From there it was transported by barge to the Tianwan plant site, where it arrived on 5 March, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced today.

Tianwan 3 is an AES-91 VVER-1000 unit designed by Gidropress and supplied by Russian state firm Rosatom. AtomStroyExport is the main contractor, supplying the nuclear island.

First concrete for the unit was poured in December 2012. It is scheduled to begin operating in February 2018. Two similar reactors (units 1 and 2) began operating at the site in 2007, while construction of a fourth began in September 2013. Each of the VVERs is rated to produce 1060 MWe.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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