Steam generators installed at Barakah 2

Thursday, 17 September 2015
Barakah_2_SGs_Sep_2015_(Enec)_48The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) has announced that the installation of steam generators in Barakah unit 2's containment building has been completed.

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) has announced that the installation of steam generators in Barakah unit 2's containment building has been completed.

Barakah 2's steam generators were manufactured in Korea and shipped to the United Arab Emirates (Image: Enec)

The stainless steel steam generators, which Enec describes as similar in length to a tennis court, were manufactured in Korea by Doosan Heavy Industries and took four years to make. The steam generators will transfer the heat generated inside the reactor from the water used to cool the unit's core into a secondary circuit, producing steam for the electricity generation turbines. The steam generators contain tubes made of a nickel-chromium-iron alloy that are strong and corrosion resistant at high temperatures and pressures.

Piping connection work will be carried out over the next six months to connect the steam generators to the reactor vessel, turbine generators and condenser.

Four Korean-designed APR1400 pressurized water reactors are being built at Barakah by a prime contractor consortium led by Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco). The first unit, Barakah 1, is 75% complete and is scheduled to start up in 2017 with the other units following at yearly intervals. Construction on the fourth Barakah unit officially began earlier this month, with Enec describing Barakah as the largest project with simultaneous construction of identical nuclear technology in the world.

Enec CEO Mohammed Al Hammadi said the installation of Barakah 2's steam generators was an important milestone for the plant, which is expected to come on line in 2018.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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