Simulator upgrade for Mexican plant

Friday, 6 January 2017
Laguna Verde simulator - 48Canada's L-3 MAPPS has been awarded a contract to support modernization of the full-scope control room simulator for Mexico's sole nuclear power plant, the twin-unit Laguna Verde.

Canada's L-3 MAPPS has been awarded a contract to support modernization of the full-scope control room simulator for Mexico's sole nuclear power plant, the twin-unit Laguna Verde.

Laguna Verde simulator - 460 (L3 MAPPS)
Laguna Verde's control room simulator (Image: L-3 MAPPS)

L-3 MAPPS said yesterday it had received an order from Mexico's National Institute of Electricity and Clean Energy (INEEL) to help upgrade the plant's simulator for the state-owned power company, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). The value of the order was not disclosed.

Simulators are a vital piece of equipment for plant operators, both at the start of their careers and for their continued training.

In the first phase of the modernization project, INEEL will develop a classroom simulator using L-3 MAPPS' Orchid simulation environment equipped with interactive virtual panels and emergency diesel generator local panels. The overall modernization project is to be executed in multiple phases, with the first phase set to be completed in the second half of this year.

L-3 MAPPS said it will deploy its Orchid simulation suite, to be utilized for all phases of the modernization project, and will train INEEL's simulation personnel. During the first phase, INEEL will replatform the existing plant simulation from a third-party platform to Orchid and will develop the virtual panels with L-3 MAPPS' on-site and remote support. INEEL will also develop new emergency diesel generator models using the Orchid modelling environment.

Michael Chatlani, vice president of marketing and sales for L-3 MAPPS Power Systems and Simulation, said the order represents its first sale into the Mexican market.

The Laguna Verde plant comprises two 810 MWe boiling water reactors and produces about 4.5% of Mexico's electrical energy. Unit 1 came on line in 1989 and is currently licensed to operate until 2029, while unit 2 has been operating since 1994 and is licensed to operate until 2034.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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