Russian sulfuric acid plant expanded

Friday, 19 September 2014
Sulfuric acid plant - PIMCU - 48The Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union has completed a scheduled upgrade of its sulfuric acid plant, increasing its capacity by 25%.

The Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union (PIMCU) has completed a scheduled upgrade of its sulfuric acid plant, increasing its capacity by 25%.

Sulfuric acid plant 250 (PIMCU)
Priargunsky's sulfuric acid plant (Image: PIMCU)

PIMCU said today that the increase in production capacity - from 400 tonnes per day to 500 tonnes per day - will enable it to make export sales of the product.

The company is based in the Trans-Baikal region and is Russia's largest uranium mining company.

The company performs underground mining of uranium at four mines: Mine No.1, Mine No.2, the Glubokiy Mine and Mine 6R. Ore is processed at a hydrometallurgy plant and at a heap leaching unit, which uses sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid is also used as the main chemical reagent in in-situ leaching (ISL) uranium production, which is able to extract uranium with no need for excavation.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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