Russia and Hungary update cooperation agreement

Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Russia Hungary regulators - 48Russia and Hungary's nuclear regulators today signed an agreement to cooperate in nuclear energy and nuclear safety.

Russia and Hungary's nuclear regulators today signed an agreement to cooperate in nuclear energy and nuclear safety.

Russia Hungary regulators - 460
Rostechnadzor's Alexy Aleshin and HAEA's Gyula Fichtinger sign the updated agreement (Image: Rostechnadzor)

Russia's Rostechnadzor said in a statement that the agreement to cooperate in nuclear and radiation safety in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is an updated version of a similar document signed with the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) in 2001 that reflects administrative changes at the two authorities.

The agreement was signed by Alexy Aleshin, the head of Rostechnadzor, and Gyula Fichtinger, HAEA director-general.

"I believe that the signing of this agreement is not only an important step in the development of bilateral cooperation between the regulators of Hungary and Russia, but that it will also strengthen bilateral relations between our countries," Aleshin said.

New areas of cooperation include sharing lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. They will also exchange experience in the licensing and supervision of the safe use of nuclear energy. In addition, the agreement provides for new areas of cooperation, such as emergency preparedness and response, as well as the training of staff.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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