Rosatom and KAIF extend cooperation

Thursday, 21 April 2016
Rosatom-KAIF MOU - 48The Korea Atomic Industrial Forum has signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate with Rosatom subsidiary Rosatom International Network. The agreement aims to enhance communications between the Russian and Korean nuclear power industries.

The Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF) has signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate with Rosatom subsidiary Rosatom International Network. The agreement aims to enhance communications between the Russian and Korean nuclear power industries.  

 Rosatom-KAIF MOU - 415 (Rosatom)
The signing of the MOU (Image: Rosatom)  

The MOU was signed yesterday in Busan, South Korea, by Rosatom International Network president Alexander Merten and KAIF vice chairman Kye-Hong Min.

Through the agreement, the Russian and Korean organizations have agreed to exchange information regularly, cooperate in ensuring public acceptance of nuclear energy and nuclear technology, and to promote nuclear industry human resources development. They will also collaborate in efforts to promote partnerships between Russian and Korean enterprises.

Merten noted, "Russia historically has close ties with the Korean nuclear industry. The first was a contract for the supply of enriched uranium to Korea which was concluded by Tenex in 1988, while we signed our first MOU with KAIF in 1991." He said that Rosatom now cooperates with Korean companies throughout the nuclear fuel cycle, with Tenex continuing to supply enriched uranium to Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power, which operates all of South Korea's nuclear power reactors.

"There are plenty of other opportunities for the development of cooperation in various areas," Merten said. "The documents we signed today will give a fresh impetus to this work."

Kye-Hong said that KAIF's cooperation with Rosatom International Network "will improve the mutual development of the nuclear industry and sharing information and exchanging opinions not only on the fuel cycle business but also nuclear plant construction and operation in Russia and Korea".

Rosatom International Network was created in 2014 for the development and management of Rosatom's regional offices around the world. Its main objectives are to support the activities of Rosatom's divisions in foreign markets, seeking new business opportunities and promoting Rosatom's products and services abroad. Rosatom has so far opened regional offices in Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Johannesburg, Kiev, Paris, Prague, Singapore.

KAIF was established in 1972 to promote cooperation between related organizations; build networks between Korea and overseas countries; and strengthen nuclear educational programs.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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