Rock group sees fast reactor

Friday, 15 August 2014
Russian rock group Chaif 48Veteran Russian rock band Chaif yesterday toured Beloyarsk 4 - a 789 MWe fast-neutron reactor of the BN-800 design, which Rosenergoatom brought to first criticality in June.

Veteran Russian rock band Chaif yesterday toured Beloyarsk 4 - a 789 MWe fast-neutron reactor of the BN-800 design, which Rosenergoatom brought to first criticality in June.

During the tour, Beloyarsk workers explained the features of fast reactors and their strategic role in closing the nuclear fuel cycle.

Russian rock group Chaif
Chaif band members at Beloyarsk 4 (Image: Rosatom)

"Many people are used to thinking that the smart phones in our pockets are a technological miracle, but when you come here and see real high-tech, you understand that this is an altogether different scale, different level of work," Chaif lead singer Vladimir Shakhrin said, according to a statement from the Beloyarsk plant.

The group filmed parts of their tour of the plant and will use the footage in a video clip they will dedicate to nuclear industry workers’ day, the annual professional holiday in Russia that falls on 28 September.

Formed in 1984, Chaif has had a number of hit records, including Ne Speshi (Don't Rush) and 17.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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