Organizations team up on UK nuclear skills

Thursday, 19 February 2015
ECITB-NI Feb 2015 48A memorandum of understanding to collaborate in the development of a skilled workforce for the UK's nuclear power industry has been signed between the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board and the Nuclear Institute.

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate in the development of a skilled workforce for the UK's nuclear power industry has been signed between the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) and the Nuclear Institute.

ECITB-NI Feb 2015 - 460 (NI)
Edwards (left) and Warden following the signing of the MOU in London
(Image: Nuclear Institute)

"As the nuclear industry continues to evolve, so will the skills requirements change to meet the requirements of new build projects and long-term decommissioning," the two organizations said in a joint statement.

The MOU "will establish the basis for a strong working relationship based on collaboration, especially in the areas of educations, skills and training," they said. The agreement covers a number of key issues, including strategies and activities to attract, develop and qualify new entrants as well as training and upskilling of current employees.

Nuclear Institute chief executive John Warden said, "Collaboration is key to success in developing a sustainable long-term solution to meet the skills needs of the nuclear industry." He added that the MoU with the ECITB "brings together two organizations with a common purpose and commitment to achieving a highly skilled nuclear workforce and the best outcome for the industry. By bringing together our knowledge, expertise and experience we will be able to achieve more for the industry."

ECITB head David Edwards noted, "We have been working together for several years supporting skills development in the nuclear industry and have many shared interests and complementary areas of responsibility, including long-term skills, training and manpower planning, and educational outreach."

The Nuclear Institute is the UK membership organization and professional body for those employed in the nuclear industry. The ECITB is the statutory organization, national training provider and awarding body with responsibility for the training and development of the UK's engineering construction workforce.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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