Leningrad II-2 enters power ascension phase

Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Russian regulator Rostekhnadzor has issued a permit for the next stage of commissioning at unit 2 of the Leningrad II nuclear power plant in Sosnovy Bor, in Western Russia. The VVER-1200 reactor has since started a gradual increase in capacity, from 1% to 35-40%.
Leningrad II-2 enters power ascension phase
Leningrad II-2 begins power ascension phase (Image: Rosatom)

That level will enable the turbine generator to be connected to the grid and begin generating and transmitting electricity to the country's network. Grid connection is scheduled for this autumn.

"We are three steps away from the commissioning of another modern Russian unit," Leningrad NPP Director Vladimir Pereguda said. "Over the next six months, it will go through the stages of power start-up, pilot operation and comprehensive tests. During this time, we will test the stability and safety of the technological systems and safety systems of the power unit, with a phased increase in power to rated values." At the beginning of next year, the unit will be entered into the capacity market to supply consumers with up to 28 million kilowatt hours of electricity each day, he added.

Phased commissioning of the unit started on 19 July, when during the physical launch the first fuel assembly with nuclear fuel was loaded into the reactor vessel. In addition to loading the fuel, during the physical start-up the nuclear scientists successfully brought the reactor to a power level of about 1% and confirmed the compliance of its physical characteristics with the design ones.

The new unit will replace Leningrad unit 2, which is an RBMK-1000 reactor.

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