Iran to cooperate with IAEA to resolve concerns

Wednesday, 15 July 2015
IAEA-Iran roadmap signing 48A road-map for "the clarification of past and present outstanding issues" regarding Iran's nuclear program was agreed yesterday between the country and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). All issues should be resolved by the end of the year.

A road-map for "the clarification of past and present outstanding issues" regarding Iran's nuclear program was agreed yesterday between the country and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). All issues should be resolved by the end of the year.

IAEA-Iran roadmap signing - 460 (Dean Calma, IAEA)
The roadmap agreement is signed by Amano and Salehi (Image: Dean Calma, IAEA)

The text of the road-map was signed in Vienna by IAEA director general Yukiya Amano and Ali Akbar Salehi, Iranian vice president and president of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI).

Under the road-map, Iran has until 15 August to provide explanations to the IAEA on issues it has previously raised about possible military aspects to the country's nuclear program. The IAEA will then have a month to review these explanations and to raise questions on any possible ambiguities in Iran's information. Discussions to resolve these issues should then be completed by 15 October.

Amano said: "It sets out a clear sequence of activities over the coming months, including the provision by Iran of explanations regarding outstanding issues. It provides for technical expert meetings, technical measures and discussions, as well as a separate arrangement regarding the issue of Parchin. This should enable me to issue a report setting out the agency's final assessment of possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program, for the action of the IAEA Board of Governors, by 15 December 2015."

The agreement between the IAEA and Iran came as a separate accord was reached between Iran and the E3+3 group of countries (China, the EU, France, Germany, Russia, the UK, and the USA) on limiting Iran's nuclear program. Iran has agreed that over the next 15 years it will not enrich uranium above 3.67% and will not stockpile more than 300 kg of enriched uranium. Uranium research and development activities will only take place at Natanz, while no enrichment will be carried out at Fordow. In addition, Iran has agreed indefinitely not to build any new heavy water reactors or stockpile heavy water, and that the Arak reactor will be redesigned and all used fuel will be shipped out of the country.

In return, economic sanctions against Iran will be lifted once the IAEA confirms that Iran has complied with its obligations under this agreement.

"I am very pleased that a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action has been reached between Iran and the E3+3 group of countries," Amano said. "This paves the way for the peaceful resolution of a controversy which has lasted for more than a decade."

He also welcomed Iran's decision to implement the Additional Protocol to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA.

"The Additional Protocol enables us - over time - to provide credible assurances to the world that all nuclear material in a state remains in peaceful activities," Amano said. "With Iran's full cooperation in implementing its Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol, we hope that, in time, we will be able to provide such assurance for Iran."

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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