IAEA completes revamp of IT system

Wednesday, 16 May 2018
The International Atomic Energy Agency has completed a three-year project to revamp its safeguards information technology system to be more effective in its work to ensure the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. IAEA safeguards are a set of technical measures to help prevent the non-peaceful use of nuclear material and technology.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has completed a three-year project to revamp its safeguards information technology system to be more effective in its work to ensure the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. IAEA safeguards are a set of technical measures to help prevent the non-peaceful use of nuclear material and technology.

The EUR41 million (USD48 million) Modernisation of Safeguards Information Technology project (Mosaic), whose completion was marked at a presentation to IAEA Member States in Vienna yesterday, was launched in 2015.

Employing 150 in-house professionals, the project developed more than 20 unique software applications to make safeguards more effective, efficient and secure. Mosaic has provided a suite of modern software applications, streamlining and integrating the processes of planning, performing activities, and reporting.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said at the presentation: "We are making more use of satellite imagery, enhanced data collection and remote monitoring techniques. We also continue to strengthen information collection and analysis."

Between 2010 and 2017, the amount of nuclear material under IAEA safeguards increased by over 20%. In 2017, safeguards staff operated in 182 States, compared with 176 States in 2010, and conducted more than 2000 inspections.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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