First steam generator for Leningrad II

Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Leningrad II-2 steam generator 48Installation of the first of the four steam generators at the Leningrad II nuclear power plant in western Russia will be completed within the next few days, general designer of the new plant Atomenergoproekt said today.

Installation of the first of the four steam generators at the Leningrad II nuclear power plant in western Russia will be completed within the next few days, general designer of the new plant Atomenergoproekt (AEP) said today. Installation of the remaining three steam generators - manufactured by Atomenergomash subsidiary ZIO-Podolsk - is scheduled to be completed by the end of September, AEP said.

Leningrad II-2 steam generator 460
The steam generator is manoeuvred into place (Image: AEP)

Leningrad Phase II is a new nuclear power plant adjacent to the existing Leningrad nuclear plant site. Two AES-2006 design nuclear units are being built there, which should begin operation in 2016 and 2018 respectively. Two further AES-2006 units are planned for the site. Each AES-2006 unit will employ four steam generators.

Steam generators are used in pressurized water reactors to transfer heat from the reactor's primary coolant circuit to a secondary circuit - turning water into steam that goes on to drive turbines and generate electricity.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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