Barakah 1 reactor vessel delivered

Friday, 30 May 2014
Barakah 1 reactor vessel - 48The reactor vessel for the initial unit of the United Arab Emirates' first nuclear power plant has been delivered to the construction site at Barakah.

The reactor vessel for the initial unit of the United Arab Emirates' (UAE's) first nuclear power plant has been delivered to the construction site at Barakah.

Barakah 1 reactor vessel - 460
The reactor vessel sits outside the almost completed containment building of Barakah 1

The component - measuring 12 meters in height and 6 meters in diameter and weighing over 400 tonnes - left on a ship from the South Korean port of Masan on 17 March and arrived at the Barakah construction site on 30 April.

"With the arrival of our first reactor vessel, Enec and Kepco remain on track to deliver the country's first nuclear energy reactor, Barakah unit 1, in 2017."

Mohamed Al Hammadi,
CEO of Enec

A ceremony was held on 20 May at Barakah to mark the arrival of the vessel. It was attended by dignitaries, including South Korean president Park Geun-hye and UAE deputy prime minister Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

After signing the side of the reactor vessel, Park said, "The construction of the Barakah power plant is more than just the construction of a nuclear power plant. It is a key project that brings the two countries' partnership forward over the next 100 years and thus is very symbolic."

Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) CEO Mohamed Al Hammadi noted, "With the arrival of our first reactor vessel, Enec and Kepco remain on track to deliver the country's first nuclear energy reactor, Barakah unit 1, in 2017."

In a $20 billion deal announced in December 2009, Enec selected a consortium led by Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) to build four APR-1400 reactors. First concrete for Barakah 1 was poured in July 2012, while that for unit 2 was poured in May 2013. All four units at Barakah are scheduled to begin operating by 2020.

Cooperation agreements

Three nuclear energy-related memorandums of understanding (MoUs) were signed during Park's visit to the UAE.

The first - signed between Enec and the South Korean ministry of trade, industry and energy - is for cooperation in developing a direct employment program in nuclear energy for Korean graduates. The second MoU, between Enec, Kepco and the South Korean Nuclear Association for International Cooperation, will help develop internship programs and job opportunities in the nuclear energy sector for students from both countries. The third agreement will see Enec, Kepco and its subsidiaries work together to develop a nuclear plant services industry in the UAE.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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