2014 startup for Novovoronezh II

Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Novovoronezh_2_SG_arrives_(Atomenergoproekt)_48Rosatom head Sergei Kiryenko has indicated that the second phase of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant will start operations up to two years later than previous estimates suggest.

Rosatom head Sergei Kiryenko has indicated that the second phase of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant will start operations up to two years later than previous estimates suggest.

The first steam generator for Novovoronezh II arrived on site on 11 February (Image: Atomenergoproekt)

Kiriyenko made his comments to staff and residents after visiting the construction site, where he denied rumours that work on the second phase of the plant was to be frozen. He stressed that the first of the AES-2006 updated version of the VVER-1200 pressurized water reactor design was on schedule for a 2014 launch, with the second unit at the site due to start up in 2016.

The first unit at the plant, on which construction began in 2008, had originally been planned to start up in 2012. Construction of the second unit began a year later, with a planned start-up date of 2013, although this was subsequently revised to 2015. Novovoronezh II is the lead plant for the deployment of the AES-2006 reactor designs, with similar units under construction at the Leningrad 2 plant.

Three units are currently in operation at Novovoronezh I, where two units are being decommissioned. Kiriyenko's visit also took in the plant's recently upgraded unit 5.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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