Turkey plans grid connection to serve Akkuyu project

Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Akkuyu 48 (Rosatom)Turkey's Council of Ministers has ordered the acquisition of land enabling construction of a 380 kV transmission line for the planned Akkuyu nuclear power plant. The order is contained in three announcements published in the official state gazette on 10 April.

Turkey's Council of Ministers has ordered the acquisition of land enabling construction of a 380 kV transmission line for the planned Akkuyu nuclear power plant. The order is contained in three announcements published in the official state gazette on 10 April.

Akkuyu 460 (Rosatom)
How four AES-2006 units could appear at Akkuyu (Image: Rosatom)

Accordingly, the state transmission grid operator TEİAŞ is authorised to demand the sale of land for a 240 km (149 mile) line that is to run in three sections - Akkuyu NGS-Ermenek HES, Akkuyu NGS-Konya and Akkuyu NGS-Seydişehir. At Konya, the line will be connected to TEİAŞ' existing transmission grid.

In June last year, JSC Akkuyu NPP, the Russian-owned company responsible for what will be Turkey's first nuclear power plant, was awarded a preliminary licence, enabling the company to start investment and permitting procedures for the project.

The project to build four 1200 MWe Gidropress-designed AES-2006 VVER pressurized water reactors is being financed by Russia under a build-own-operate model, in accordance with an intergovernmental agreement Turkey and Russia signed in 2010. The plant is scheduled to start operations in 2023 - the centenary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey.

A French-Japanese consortium between Areva and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries plans to build Turkey's second nuclear power plant, in the northern Black Sea city of Sinop.

In addition, state generation company Elektrik Uretim AS signed an agreement last November for exclusive talks with Westinghouse and China's State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation for the development of a four-reactor plant based on the AP1000 design in İğneada district in the northwestern province of Kırklareli.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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