Strategy for US nuclear energy research

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

A report jointly produced by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) details how nuclear energy research, development, demonstration and deployment can help reduce US carbon emissions and bolster energy security.

A report jointly produced by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) details how nuclear energy research, development, demonstration and deployment can help reduce US carbon emissions and bolster energy security.
The report - entitled A Strategy for Nuclear Energy Research and Development - outlines the research necessary to create options for the deployment of nuclear energy in the decades ahead. The report also examines nuclear energy's relevance to non-proliferation and the need for the USA to maintain international leadership in developing nuclear energy - issues that must be addressed for nuclear energy to have a prominent role in meeting the country's future energy needs.
President Barack Obama has called for a reduction of CO2 emissions in the USA to 1990 levels by 2020, with a further 80% reduction by 2050. Meeting those aggressive goals while increasing overall energy supply will require contributions from all non- and low- emitting generating technologies, the report says.
However, because of the scale, cost, and time horizons involved, sustaining and increasing nuclear energy's share will require a coordinated research effort - combining the efforts of industry and government, supported by innovation from the research community.
The strategic plan set out in the report defines six goals to expand the safe and economical use of nuclear energy: maintaining today's nuclear fleet of light water reactors; significantly expanding that fleet with more advanced reactor models; developing non-electric applications for high-temperature reactors; assuring safe, long-term used fuel management; assuring long-term nuclear sustainability; and strengthening US leadership internationally.
EPRI's Chris Larsen, vice president of its nuclear section, said: "The report recommends that R&D to support these goals be focused in three technical areas: light water reactors and advanced light water reactors, high-temperature reactors, and fast reactors and advanced fuel cycles."
He added, "This research blend will enable the country to capitalize on numerous safety and technology advances for existing light water reactors, while developing the next generation of reactors so nuclear can service a variety of process heat applications and support nuclear fuel recycling. In essence, it establishes a set of options for deployment of non-emitting nuclear energy through this century."
According to the report, the total funding needs from government and industry for the proposed research agenda covering the initial 2010-2015 period are estimated at $3.5 billion. This includes R&D needed to support the successful deployment of light-water reactors through mid-century, as well as to create options for non-electric applications and the long-term sustainability of nuclear energy. The immediate priority is on ensuring the longevity of existing and new LWRs, followed by the development of non-electric applications. While sustainability is a longer-term issue, the report says, funding must be provided in the near term due to the long lead time involved.

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