Spanish firms target Chinese market

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Four Spanish companies have formed a joint venture specifically targeted at supplying products and services to the Chinese nuclear power market.

Four Spanish companies have formed a joint venture specifically targeted at supplying products and services to the Chinese nuclear power market.

Enusa, Tecnatom and Ensa originally formed the Spanish Nuclear Group for China (SNGC) consortium in February 2007. On 4 July, Ringo Valvulas agreed to join the group, which then officially became a joint venture rather than a commercial alliance. Each company holds a 25% stake in SNGC, whose purpose is the marketing and supply of nuclear products and services abroad, particularly in China.

In a statement, Enusa, which focuses its core business on the supply of fuel to nuclear power plants, said that the joint venture allows the partners to "optimise the commercial efforts and complement their offerings in order to offer customers more integrated and competitive products and services."

Tecnatom is an engineering company whose main activity centres on the rendering of inspection and component structural integrity services, the training of operations personnel by means of full-scope simulators and engineering in support of plant operation.

Ensa specializes in manufacturing heavy components for nuclear plants and industrial facilities. The main product line is that of heavy components for the nuclear steam supply system of nuclear reactors. Ensa has previously undertaken to produce steam generators for reactors at Qinshan Phase II in partnership with Shanghai Electric.

The activities of Ringo Valvulas include the design, material procurement, manufacturing, assembly and testing of valves.

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