South Korean energy plan sees two more reactors

Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Two further nuclear power reactors are to be constructed and plans for four coal-fired plants have been dropped in the latest 15-year basic energy plan released by the South Korean government today.

Two further nuclear power reactors are to be constructed and plans for four coal-fired plants have been dropped in the latest 15-year basic energy plan released by the South Korean government today.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) published its 7th basic power supply plan for the period up to 2029, the previous plan having covered up to 2027.

The plan foresees South Korea's total electricity demand increasing by some 2.2% annually over the next 15 years to reach 657 TWh by 2029. Peak demand is expected to reach 112 GWe in 2029, compared with 80 GWe last year. The plan aims to cut the country's annual electricity consumption by 14.3% and its peak demand by 12.0% from their business-as-usual levels by 2029.

The updated plan includes the construction of two additional nuclear power reactors, which had not featured in the previous plan.

South Korea currently has 24 reactors in operation and a further ten either under construction or planned. Unit 1 of the Kori plant is currently scheduled to close in 2017, so the country would have 35 units in operation by 2029. Nuclear energy's share of the country's generating capacity is expected to increase from 22.4% in 2014 to 28.2% in 2029. Under the previous plan, nuclear share was to have increased to 27.4% by 2027.

The latest plan also aims to reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions to 37% below business-as-usual levels by 2030, in line with climate targets announced by the government last month.

In order to achieve that target, four coal-fired power plants that had been proposed in the 6th energy plan have now been dropped.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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