South Korea and Ukraine sign nuclear agreement

Wednesday, 27 June 2007
A memorandum of understanding covering issues related to nuclear power and development of uranium deposits has been agreed between South Korea and Ukraine. South Korean reactors have also been linked to new build at the South Ukraine site.

A memorandum of understanding covering issues related to nuclear power and development of uranium deposits has been agreed between South Korea and Ukraine. The agreement particularly deals with information and technology exchange.

Vladimir Makukha, deputy minister of the Ukraine's Ministry of Fuel and Energy (Mintopenergo) and deputy minister Lee Jae Hoon of the South Korea's Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy signed the agreement in the Ukrainian capital Kiev on 25 June. The deal follows agreement reached on 30 May between the two countries' governments on cooperation for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The signing was witnessed by members of the Ukraine-South Korea working group, who were also due to agree arrangements for the next round of nuclear power and uranium mining cooperation on 26 June.

Earlier this month Ukraine's National Nuclear Energy Generating Corporation, EnergoAtom, invited the Sung Il company of South Korea to participate in its investment plan to develop Ukraine's pipe production capacity for its nuclear plants, both current and future.

Sung Il has a comprehensive pipe production capability and have been producing pipes for nearly 30 years. In contrast, Ukranian pipe production facilities are not equipped to produce some pipe types.

"We propose that you consider the integration of equipment and technologies used in South Korea into our production lines," EnergoAtom Vice-President Volodymyr Pyshny said at a meeting with representatives of Sung Il held in Kiev.

The prospect of further cooperation was raised by Andriy Derkach, head of EnergoAtom, on 22 June when he said his company was considering the South Ukraine site for new nuclear build. Hesaid that a large scope of work would be involved in evaluating thesite, at which work to construct a Soviet-design VVER pressurized waterreactor was begun in 1987. The unit was never completed, and SouthUkraine has since been  considered the most likely location foreventual new build in Ukraine. Derkach said: "We see this unit to benot of a Russian design. We are looking at Areva, Westinghouse andSouth Korean designs." State-owned EnergoAtom would complete a studywhich would recommend a certain reactor type to government.

Further information


WNA's South Korea  information paper
 Nuclear Power in Ukraine information paper

 Ukraine consolidates its nuclear industry

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