SNPTC celebrates latest AP1000 arrival

Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Haiyang 1 RPV (SNPTC)The reactor pressure vessel for the first of two AP1000 reactors being built at Haiyang in China has arrived safely on site.

The reactor pressure vessel for the first of two AP1000 reactors being built at Haiyang in China has arrived safely on site.


Haiyang 1 RPV (SNPTC)
The reactor pressure vessel for Haiyang 1 is transferred from ship to shore (Image: SNPTC)



China's State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) announced the safe arrival of the major component manufactured in South Korea at the Haiyang site. The component will now be stored at the nuclear island prior to installation. It will become the second AP1000 reactor pressure vessel to be installed in a China, and indeed the world, following the installation of the pressure vessel at Sanmen 1 in late September.
Four Westinghouse-designed AP1000s are currently under construction in China, two each at Sanmen and Haiyang. The pressure vessels for the first units at each site have been made in South Korea under a 2007 contract between Westinghouse and Doosan Heavy Industries. The pressure vessels for the second units are being made by Chinese manufacturers.
The two Haiyang units are expected to enter service in 2014 and 2015.
Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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