Simulator upgrade for Chinese plant

Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Ling Ao Phase simulator II 48L3-MAPPS will add a severe accident module to the full scope simulator of China's Ling Ao Phase II nuclear power plant.

L3-MAPPS will add a severe accident module to the full scope simulator of China's Ling Ao Phase II nuclear power plant.

Under a contract signed with Daya Bay Nuclear Power Operations and Management Co - part of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Company - L3 will connect the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI's) Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP5) to the Ling Ao simulator.

Ling Ao Phase II simulator 460
The Ling Ao Phase II simulator (Image: L-3 MAPPS)

MAAP5 is software that performs severe accident analysis for nuclear power plants, including assessments of core damage and radiological transport.

The Ling Ao simulator will also be equipped with new 2-D and 3-D animated, interactive displays of the reactor vessel, containment building and used fuel pool to provide operators with additional insight into the behaviour of the plant in the event of a severe accident.

L-3 MAPPS was contracted to supply the simulator at Phase II of the Ling Ao plant in December 2005, and it worked with Areva and Siemens to deliver and install it by August 2009, following closely behind the full scope classroom simulator (CRS) for Ling Ao Phase II that was put into service in May 2009. Both simulators are located at the Daya Bay Training Centre, which also houses the Ling Ao Phase I and Daya Bay simulators.

The work to upgrade the simulator will start immediately with completion set for early 2014.

Ling Ao Phase II comprises two 1080 MWe Chinese-designed CPR-1000 pressurized water reactors. The first entered into commercial operation in September 2010, with the second following in August 2011.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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