Simulator contract for Hongyanhe 1 and 2

Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Hongyanhe 1 and 2 inChina will receive a full-scale simulator from L-3 MAPPS. Designwork is to start immediately to get the simulators in service by theend of 2010.
Hongyanhe 1 and 2 in China will receive a full-scale simulator from L-3 MAPPS, under a contract signed with Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Melco). Design work is to start immediately to get the simulators in service by the end of 2010.

Hongyanhe Phase I, in
Liaoning province, will feature four CPR-1000 design nuclear power units, the standardized design of which is derived from the Areva-supplied pressurized water reactors at Lingao and Daya Bay. Each would have an output of 1080 MWe, and contribute to a Chinese plan to rejuvenate an old industrial base in the northeast of the country.

Construction should start on units 1 and 2 in September, with completion in 2012-3. No dates have been announced yet for units 3 and 4. An adjacent site - Hongyanhe Phase II - is foreseen by planners, which could see two more CPR-1000s.

L-3 MAPPS provided simulators for the Daya Baya and Lingao units in Guangdong province and is developing systems for nuclear units at Lingao Phase II. The company has been contracted by Melco as part of a larger instrumentation and control package that Melco is delivering in cooperation with China Techenergy for the future plant's owner, Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Company.

An L-3 MAPPS statement said the Phase I simulator would use advanced graphical tools on a PC/Windows platform for model development and maintenance. Model modules would include: Advanced thermal-hydraulics; Reactor; Balance of plant; Electrical systems; and certain instrumentation and control models.

Further information


WNA's Nuclear Power in China information paper

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