Second Shin Hanul APR-1400 gets its vessel

Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Shin Hanul 2 vessel installation 48The reactor vessel of Shin Hanul unit 2 has been installed within the reactor building, marking a major step in the construction of the second Korean-designed Advanced Pressurised Reactor-1400 (APR-1400) being built at the site.

The reactor vessel of Shin Hanul unit 2 has been installed within the reactor building, marking a major step in the construction of the second Korean-designed Advanced Pressurised Reactor-1400 (APR-1400) being built at the site.

Shin Hanul 2 vessel installation - 460 (KHNP)
Workers watch as the vessel is lowered into place (Image: KHNP)

A ceremony, attended by some 150 people, was held to mark the installation of the vessel, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) announced on 6 April. The reactor vessel - weighing 415 tonnes, 14.8 meters in height and with a diameter of 4.6 meters - was manufactured by Doosan Heavy Industries Limited.

KHNP said that now the vessel was in place, mechanical construction and electrical works at the unit would now begin.

Ground breaking for the first two units at the Shin Hanul (formerly Shin Ulchin) site took place in early May 2012. First concrete for unit 1 took place in July 2012, with that for unit 2 following in June 2013. The reactor vessel of unit 1 was installed in May 2014. The units are expected to enter service in April 2017 and April 2018, respectively.

The Shin Hanul units are the second pair of APR-1400s to be built in Korea - two are already under construction at Shin Kori. Two further APR-1400 units are planned for each site.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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