Rosatom exhibition hits the rails

Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Train of Innovation (Rosatom)A train housing a mobile exhibition on technological innovation - including a section on nuclear energy - left Moscow today to travel around Russia. Meanwhile, a new visitor centre has opened near a nuclear power plant in Slovenia and a new nuclear technology museum is planned in China.

A train housing a mobile exhibition on technological innovation - including a section on nuclear energy - left Moscow today to travel around Russia. Meanwhile, a new visitor centre has opened near a nuclear power plant in Slovenia and a new nuclear technology museum is planned in China.


A ceremony was held today at Moscow's Riga railway station to mark the departure of the special train equipped as an exhibition and lecture complex to demonstrate innovative projects.


Train of Innovation (Rosatom)
The nuclear carriage on the Train of Innovation (Image: Rosatom)


The 'Train of Innovation' includes eight carriages housing exhibits and three carriages housing meeting rooms and staff accommodation. Each of the exhibition carriages is devoted to a separate innovative project or to a company to represent its projects. There will be 16 staff on board the train, including qualified guides to show visitors around the exhibition.


While four of the carriages will house exhibits about the history and future development of Russia's railway, one of the carriages is devoted to Russian state nuclear enterprise Rosatom and its achievements in the field of nuclear technology.


Rosatom's exhibition is divided into three sections: applications of radiation technology; animated models of the safety systems used in the latest VVER pressurized water reactor models; and radiation safety. Rosatom said that the exhibition is designed for both professionals and potential customers of its services and products, as well as for anyone with an interest in the development of nuclear technology.


In addition to Rosatom and Russian railway operator RZD, exhibitors include Russian nanotechnology company Rusnano and electrical company Philips. The ceremony at Riga station was attended by representatives of the companies involved.


In its first trial run, the train will travel from Moscow to the eastern city of Chita and back - a distance of several thousand kilometres. It will stop for an average of two days at various towns and cities along the route. Entrance to the exhibition will be free.


Slovenian centre


Meanwhile, a new visitor centre opened on 6 July near Slovenia's Krsko nuclear power plant.


Krsko visitor centre
Krsko in miniature (Image: Hüttinger)
Located at the new headquarters of plant operator GEN Energija in Vrbina, the new 'World of Energy' information centre offers its visitors objective and extensive information not only on nuclear energy, but also on renewable energies and power engineering in general. The permanent exhibition deals with power generation both by employing hands-on exhibits and through play. The exhibition includes an interactive, scaled sectional model of the Krsko plant.


Hüttinger of Germany, which designed the centre, said that it "serves as a place for public discussion and for exchanging controversial ideas about energy consumption and the energy supply of today and the energy supply of the future."


Chinese museum


In China, a new museum on nuclear technology is being planned. The exhibition centre - measuring some 4200 square metres - will contain displays on the history and development of nuclear energy, advanced nuclear technology, nuclear emergency response and other background information.


In September 2010, the Wuhan Research Institute of Nuclear Power Operation undertook the project to build the museum. On 20-21 July, a design expert review panel unanimously approved the design scheme developed by the institute.


The museum - the first of its kind in China - will be constructed in the city of Yantai in Shandong province. It is scheduled to open at the end of 2012.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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