Rosatom and Andra expand cooperation

Thursday, 23 November 2017
Andra-Rosatom_waste_coop_(Rosatom)-48Russia's Rosatom and the French radioactive waste management agency Andra yesterday signed a cooperation agreement concerning the final isolation of radioactive waste. The agreement builds on a memorandum of understanding the two parties signed in 2012.

Russia's Rosatom and the French radioactive waste management agency Andra yesterday signed a cooperation agreement concerning the final isolation of radioactive waste. The agreement builds on a memorandum of understanding the two parties signed in 2012.

 Landais and Kryukov sign the agreement in Moscow (Image: Rosatom)

The document was signed by Oleg Kryukov, director of public policy on used nuclear fuel, radioactive waste and nuclear decommissioning at Rosatom, and Patrick Landais, director of innovation, development and international relations at Andra, during the AtomEco conference being held this week in Moscow.

The agreement aims to develop cooperation in implementation of a national system for the management of radioactive waste, and in the exchange of scientific, technical, legal and social information, and research and development results. The two sides have agreed to hold technical reviews and arrange visits for specialist teams to final disposal facilities in Russia and France.

FSUE NO RAO, Rosatom's radioactive waste management subsidiary, is to be the executor of the agreement for the Russian side.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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