Revised EIA filed for Turkish nuclear plant

Thursday, 10 April 2014
Akkuyu_site_(Akkuyu_NPP)_48Akkuyu NPP, the Russian-owned project company responsible for Turkey's first nuclear power plant, has submitted a revised version of its environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on the plant.

Akkuyu NPP, the Russian-owned project company responsible for Turkey's first nuclear power plant, has submitted a revised version of its environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on the plant.

The Akkuyu site (Image: Akkuyu NPP)

The 3000-page EIA originally submitted to Turkey's Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in July 2013 has been revised in response to a feedback from a special commission set up to review the EIA report. That commission met last October and received comments and recommendations from numerous organisations and institutions. Those issues have been addressed in the revised version, Akkuyu NPP said.

Construction work is currently expected to begin on the first of Akkuyu's four 1200 MWe Gidropress-designed AES-2006 VVER pressurized water reactors in 2015 or 2016. The plant is being financed by Russia under a build-own-operate model, under an intergovernmental agreement signed by Turkey and Russia in 2010.

Turkey has so far received some $1.39 billion from Russia as finance towards the construction of the Akkuyu plant. These funds are expected to be used in building the infrastructure for the plant, including roads, power lines, water pipelines, temporary housing and cranes.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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