Regulatory filing tracks Summer progress

Monday, 18 May 2015
Summer_2_steam_generator_Jan_15_(SCE&G)_48South Carolina Electricity & Gas (SCE&G) expects a further 52-day delay to the 'substantial completion' date for VC Summer unit 2, although unit 3 looks to be slightly ahead of schedule according to its latest regulatory filing.

South Carolina Electricity & Gas (SCE&G) expects a further 52-day delay to the 'substantial completion' date for VC Summer unit 2, although unit 3 looks to be slightly ahead of schedule according to its latest regulatory filing.

The first steam generator for Summer 2 was delivered in January (Image: SCE&G)

The company has told the South Carolina Public Service Commission that the timing comes from an updated project schedule from the Westinghouse Electric Company-CB&I consortium building the two AP1000 units. According to the updated schedule, unit 2 is now expected to be substantially complete on 10 August 2019, 52 days later than previously anticipated. However, for unit 3, the substantial completion date has been brought forward 19 days to 28 May 2020.

Substantial completion is the legally agreed point at which a major construction project is deemed to be sufficiently complete for the owner to use it for its intended purpose, with its full definition set out in the contracts for the project. For both the VC Summer plants, substantial completion is the final construction milestone and comes after fuel loading and full power operation in the construction schedule.

SCE&G submitted a revised construction and cost schedule for approval by the South Carolina Public Service Commission in mid-March. The commission's timeline foresees it finalising its decision on the revised schedule by 10 September.

The units will be jointly owned by Scana Corporation subsidiary SCE&G and state-owned utility Santee Cooper.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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