Reactor dome installed at Hongyanhe 4

Monday, 26 September 2011
Hongyanhe 4 dome liftingThe dome of the reactor building of unit 4 at the Hongyanhe nuclear power plant in Liaoning province in northeast China has been successfully lowered into place.

The dome of the reactor building of unit 4 at the Hongyanhe nuclear power plant in Liaoning province in northeast China has been successfully lowered into place.


Hongyanhe 4 dome lifting
The dome is raised above the containment building of unit 4 at Hongyanhe (Image: Huaxing Nuclear Construction Co)


The operation to install the dome - with a diameter of 37 metres, a height of 11 metres and weighing 156 tonnes - on top of the containment vessel walls started at 6.00am on 20 September. At 7.16am, a gun salute sounded to mark the successful placement of the dome.


Construction of Hongyanhe began in August 2009. Huaxing Nuclear Construction Company said that installation of the unit's dome marks the end of civil construction stage of the first four 1000 MWe CPR-1000 pressurized water reactors that comprise Phase I of the plant. The next stage involves the installation of heavy reactor system components within the building. Unit 4 is scheduled to start up in 2014.


A ceremony to mark the breaking of ground for Phase II of the Hongyanhe plant - comprising a further two CPR-1000 units - was held in July 2010. All six units at the site are expected to be in operation by the end of 2016.


The Hongyanhe plant is owned and operated by Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Co, a joint venture of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Co (CGNPC) and the China Power Investment Corp, each holding a 45% stake, with the Dalian Municipal Construction Investment Co holding the remaining 10%.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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