Qinshan Phase II unit 4 grid connected

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Qinshan II 4 grid connection (CNNC)Unit 4 of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) Qinshan Phase II nuclear power plant was connected to the grid on 25 November – the second Chinese reactor to be connected this year. It is expected to enter commercial operation early in 2012.

Unit 4 of China National Nuclear Corporation's (CNNC's) Qinshan Phase II nuclear power plant was connected to the grid on 25 November – the second Chinese reactor to be connected this year. It is expected to enter commercial operation early in 2012.


Qinshan II 4 grid connection (CNNC)
Control room workers make the connection


The reactor, a CNP-600, is a two loop domestic design rated at 650 MWe. It has taken about five years to build, with first concrete for the unit poured in January 2007. Construction on units 3 and 4 were conducted in parallel, with unit 3 starting commercial operation in October last year. When operational, all four CNP-600s at the Qinshan Phase II site will produce a steady 2600 MWe of power and generate between 180–200 million MWh annually.


According to CNNC, the now completed Phase II construction project marks the first time that China has taken the lead with the design, construction, operation and management of a nuclear power plant project, independent of a major foreign partner. It represents a major leap forward in China's localization goals.


Following the Fukushima nuclear accident in March, the Chinese government opted to freeze its approval process for new nuclear power plants; however this did not affect those which were already under construction. Another Chinese reactor, Ling Ao unit 4, was connected to the grid on 3 May while unit 1 of the Ningde nuclear power plant began its cold test functions on 28 November and should enter service next year.  With the addition of Qinshan Phase II unit 4, the total number of operating Chinese reactors stands at 15.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News

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