Progress Energy selects AP1000 for Florida

Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Progress Energy has selected Westinghouse's AP1000 reactor design for a potential new nuclear power plant in Levy County, Florida.

Progress Energy has selected Westinghouse's AP1000 reactor design for a potential new nuclear power plant in Levy County, Florida.


Progress Energy has named a site in Levy County as the preferred location for potential nuclear expansion in Florida. The proposed site is just 13 km from Progress' existing Crystal River single-unit nuclear power plant. The company said that the proximity of the site to the Crystal River plant would provide opportunities for efficiencies in shared support functions.


The selection marks the second timeProgress has chosen the AP1000 for possible new plantconstruction and expansion of its fleet of commercial nuclear powerplants, the first time being for its Harris site inNorth Carolina. Progress said that using the same technology in bothlocations would help increase the efficiency of construction andmaintenance, to the benefit of its customers.


However, the decision on whether to build a plant remains at least a year away. The proposed site is going through detailed assessments, including environmental and weather studies. Progress' subsidiary, Progress Energy Florida, anticipates filing a need case with the Florida Public Service Commission in early 2008. If the decision is to move forward with building the plant, site preparations could begin in 2010, construction in 2012, and commercial operation in 2016.


Danny Roderick, Vice President of nuclear projects and construction for Progress Energy Florida said: "We believe that nuclear energy must continue to be a part of a balanced approach to meeting the state's growing needs. Nuclear energy provides significant benefits from a cost stability standpoint and maximizes energy independence and environmental responsibility."


In addition to Progress Energy, Duke Energy, SCANA and Santee Cooper, and the team of Southern and Georgia Power have selected the AP1000 for possible future expansion of their nuclear capability. It could now be the technology basis for 12 combined Construction and Operating Licence (COL) applications with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


Further information


Progress Energy


US Nuclear Regulatory Commission


WNA's US Nuclear Power Industry information paper


WNN: Florida and California ponder nuclear future
WNN: Progress eyes greenfield site in Florida for new plant
WNN: Progress initiatives delay reactor decision

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