Pressure vessel segmented at Bohunice
The 205-tonne reactor pressure vessel was removed from its operational position and placed in a specially created pool for the job in June 2020. The segmentation process then took place underwater over a period of 14 months, Javys said. Pictures show a bandsaw arrangement being used to cut the vessel into chunks.
A bandsaw rig was used to progressively cut the pressure vessel into segments (Image: Javys)
Most parts of the vessel were categorised as low-level radioactive waste and sent for treatment at FS KRAO at Mochovce. That facility cements wastes into large drums which are then sealed ready for disposal at the nearby surface-level facility.
First first segment removed. Cutting the entire vessel took 14 months (Image: Javys)
Other parts were more radioactive and were classified as intermediate-level waste. They were packed into eight containers and transferred to the Integrated Radioactive Waste Storage facility at Bohunice where they await final disposal in a geological repository.
Bohunice V1 was a 408 MWe VVER unit that generated power from 1980 to 2006.