Ningde 4 vessel delivered

Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Ningde 4 SG delivery 48The reactor pressure vessel for unit 4 of the Ningde plant has been delivered to the construction site in China's Fujian province. The reactor is due to start up next year.

The reactor pressure vessel for unit 4 of the Ningde plant has been delivered to the construction site in China's Fujian province. The reactor is due to start up next year.

Ningde 4 SG delivery 460 (CGN)
Having been unloaded from the ship, the vessel was placed on a trailer for transporting it to Ningde 4 (Image: CGN)

The 262-tonne vessel - manufactured by China First Heavy Industries - was delivered by ship to the Ningde site on 7 February.

Work on the nuclear island at Ningde 4 officially began in September 2010. The dome of its reactor building was successfully lowered into place in May 2012. Work to install the main equipment of the unit - including the pressure vessel, steam generators and main pump equipment - is soon to begin.

Four Chinese-designed CPR-1000 pressurized water reactors are currently under construction at the Ningde site, near Fuding city. Work on the first Ningde unit started in February 2008, with construction of units 2 and 3 beginning in November 2008 and January 2010, respectively. Unit 1 began commercial operation in April 2013, while unit 2 began supplying electricity to the grid last month. Unit 3 is slated to come online later this year and unit 4 to follow in 2015.

The Ningde plant is 46% owned by China General Nuclear (CGN) and 44% by China Datang Corporation. The remaining 10% is held by Fujian Provincial Energy Group. The construction of two further CPR-1000 reactors is planned for Phase II of the plant.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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