Ningde 4 fuel loading completed

Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Ningde units 3 and 4  - 48Start up of unit 4 at the Ningde nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province moved a step closer with the completion of the loading all 157 fuel assemblies into the reactor's core.

Start up of unit 4 at the Ningde nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province moved a step closer with the completion of the loading all 157 fuel assemblies into the reactor's core.

Ningde units 3 and 4 - 460 (Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Co)
Units 3 and 4 for the Ningde plant (Image: Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Co)

Fuel loading operations began at the CPR-1000 pressurized water reactor at 5.58pm on 31 December, the same day China's National Nuclear Safety Administration issued a licence for fuel to be loaded. The process was completed at 10.10am on 3 January, plant constructor China Nuclear Industry 23 Construction Company Limited announced today.

Four Chinese-designed CPR-1000 units have been built as Phase I of the Ningde plant, near Fuding city. Work on the first unit started in February 2008, with construction of units 2 and 3 beginning in November 2008 and January 2010, respectively. Unit 1 began commercial operation in April 2013, while unit 2 began supplying electricity to the grid in January 2014. Unit 3 came online in June 2015.

Work on the nuclear island at Ningde 4 officially began in September 2010. The dome of its reactor building was successfully lowered into place in May 2012. The unit is expected to achieve first criticality in the coming weeks.

The Ningde plant is operated by Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Company, which is 46% owned by China General Nuclear (CGN) and 44% by China Datang Corporation. The remaining 10% is held by Fujian Provincial Energy Group. The construction of two further CPR-1000 reactors is planned for Phase II of the plant.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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