New Ling Ao simulator up and running

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Ling Ao II simulatorThe full-scope simulator at Phase II of the Ling Ao nuclear power plant in Guangdong province, China, has entered into service and is now being used to train operators, the simulator's supplier L-3 MAPPS has reported.

The full-scope simulator (FSS) at Phase II of the Ling Ao nuclear power plant in China has entered into service and is now being used to train operators, the simulator's supplier L-3 MAPPS has reported.


Ling Ao II simulator

The Ling Ao Phase II simulator (Image: L-3 MAPPS)


L-3 MAPPS was awarded the contract to supply the simulator at Phase II (units 3 and 4) of the Ling Ao plant in December 2005. The company, in cooperation with Areva and Siemens, successfully delivered and installed the FSS in August 2009, following closely behind the full scope classroom simulator (CRS) for Ling Ao Phase II that was put into service in May 2009. Both simulators are located at the Daya Bay Training Centre, which also houses the Ling Ao Phase I and Daya Bay simulators.


Integrated with Areva- and Siemens-supplied DCSs, replica control room panels and stimulated human-machine interface, the Ling Ao Phase II full-scope simulator features L-3 MAPPS' advanced instructor station capabilities and Windows-based graphical simulation environment providing advanced thermal-hydraulic, reactor, balance of plant, electrical, and instrumentation and control (I&C) models for the turbine control and other miscellaneous systems not controlled by the Areva/Siemens DCSs. L-3 MAPPS said that this is its first FSS for a new nuclear power plant which is completely controlled by distributed control systems (DCSs).


The Ling Ao Phase II plant, owned by Ling Dong Nuclear Power Co, comprises the first two CPR1000 reactors that will be put into service. They are scheduled to start up in 2010. The CPR1000 is a Chinese standard design featuring a 1080 MWe three-loop pressurized water reactor (PWR), whose design is coordinated by China Nuclear Power Engineering Co (CNPEC).


Zhang Ruiqiong, vice chief engineer at CNPEC, commented: "We are very pleased with the new simulators which allow us to extend our operator training capabilities during the commissioning of the plant." He added, "The advanced simulation and DCS technology will also benefit us for overall plant and DCS design considerations going forward."


L-3 MAPPS has also won contracts to supply two simulators for four CPR1000 units planned at the Hongyanhe nuclear power plant in China's Liaoning province. L-3 MAPPS is providing the process simulation and virtual back-up panels for the new Hongyanhe simulators with Mitsubishi Electric supplying safety-related digital control systems. China Techergy is to provide non-safety digital control systems and a Beijing staging facility for testing.


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