New French ministers assembled

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Francois Hollande investiture, 15 May 86x48France's new Council of Ministers has been announced, following the investiture of President Francois Hollande.


France's new Council of Ministers has been announced, following the investiture of President Francois Hollande.

Francois Hollande investiture, 15 May 250x139
President Francois Hollande addresses the nation
after his investure

It was on 15 May that Hollande was sworn in as President of France, naming Jean-Marc Ayrault as his prime minister. One day later Ayrault announced the remainder of the cabinet.

Taking part of the nuclear industrial portfolio is Pierre Moscovici, the new Minister of Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade. Moscovici managed Hollande's campaign, which saw an early concession to the Greens to limit the use of nuclear energy. Although this was frequently discussed it was never clearly outlined, nor repeated by Hollande himself. Immediate priorities for the two men will be the economic crisis gripping France and the rest of Europe, rather than tinkering with energy policy.

The other minister highly relevant to the nuclear industry is Nicole Bricq, who is now Minister of Environment, Sustainable Development and Energy. She will play a role in permitting the ongoing construction of a reactor at Flamanville, and the proposed closure of two units at Fessenheim.

Hollande rewarded Green leader Cécilie Duflot for her support with the position of housing minister.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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