Motor in at Fangjiashan

Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Fangjiashan 1 pump motor, August 2013 (71x48)Fangjiashan 1's first main coolant pump motor was lifted into place this week as the new CPR-1000 reactor nears completion.

Fangjiashan 1's first main coolant pump motor was lifted into place this week as the new CPR-1000 reactor nears completion.

Fangjiashan lies in China's eastern Zhejian province near the existing Qinshan Phase I, II and III nuclear power plants which between them already count seven operating reactors. Fangjiashan will feature two more, the first scheduled to come online at the end of this year and the second about ten months later.


Fangjiashan 1 pump motor, August 2013 460x309
The newly delivered motor is lifted before hoisting into position within containment
(Image: CNNC)


The motor was made by Andritz of Austria in collaboration with China's Harbin Electric Group. It will drive the main pump that circulates primary circuit cooling water. Heat from this is transferred to create steam in a secondary circuit that drives turbines and generators that produce electricity. The primary circuit features three loops, each of which has a main pump and corresponding motor.

On placing the first motor, plant owner China National Nuclear Corporation noted that the country was importing world-leading technology with the intention of mastering it domestically. The first nuclear power reactors built in China used only around 1% locally made components, but the figure for current project is about 90%. Four CPR-1000s are in operation with some 17 under construction.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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