Milestone for Korean reactor construction

Monday, 19 May 2014
Shin_Hanul_1_vessel_(KHNP)_48The reactor vessel of Shin Hanul unit 1 has been put into place, marking a major step in the construction of the third Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power APR1400 reactor.

The reactor vessel of Shin Hanul unit 1 has been put into place, marking a major step in the construction of the third Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) APR1400 reactor.

Shin Hanul 1's reactor vessel is in place (Image: KHNP)

According to KHNP, the project to build two APR1400s at Shin Hanul (formerly known as Shin Ulchin) is now about 57% complete. Construction began on unit 1 in July 2012, and its steam generators are due to be installed this month, with pressuriser and reactor coolant pipes in July. Unit 2 is following a year behind, with construction starting in 2013 and its reactor vessel due to be installed in April 2015. The units are expected to enter service in 2017 and 2018, respectively.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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