Latest Qinshan unit goes commercial

Friday, 22 October 2010
Qinshan II-3 commercial operation (CNNC)Qinshan Phase II unit 3 has become China's 13th nuclear unit to enter commercial operation, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced.

Qinshan Phase II unit 3 has become China's 13th nuclear unit to enter commercial operation, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced.  


Qinshan II-3 commercial operation (CNNC)
Media frenzy as Qinshan II-3 enters commercial operation (Image: CNNC)


The 650 MWe CNP-600 pressurised water reactor was connected to the grid at the beginning of August. It had been pencilled in for commercial operation for early 2011, but has now become the second Chinese reactor to go commercial this year, following on from the first unit at Ling Ao II which entered commercial operation in September.
Qinshan Phase II is already home to two operating CNP-600s, an indigenous reactor design built with a high degree of localisation. Construction work started on unit 3 in 2006, and on unit 4, also a CP-600, in 2007. Unit 4 is scheduled for commercial operation in 2012.
China currently boasts some 23 reactors under construction, mostly of indigenous design but also including four Westinghouse AP1000s at Sanmen and Haiyang, and two Areva EPRs at Taishan. Construction is pencilled in to start on many more over the next few years.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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