Japan and Vietnam sign cooperation deal

Friday, 21 January 2011
Japan-Vietnam 200111Japan and Vietnam have signed an agreement for cooperation in the development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The accord follows the announcement in October 2010 that Vietnam had selected Japan as a partner for cooperation in the construction of nuclear power plants.

Japan and Vietnam have signed an agreement for cooperation in the development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The accord follows the announcement in October 2010 that Vietnam had selected Japan as a partner for cooperation in the construction of nuclear power plants. 


Under the agreement, Vietnam and Japan will cooperate in areas including: research and application of radioactive isotopes and radiation; the design, construction and operation of light water reactors; nuclear safety and security; the transportation, storage, processing and disposal of radioactive wastes; the development of human resources; development of a legal system for the use of nuclear energy; and the exploration and mining of uranium resources.


Japan-Vietnam 200111
Vietnam's vice minister of science and technology, Le Dinh Tien, and Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yasuaki Tanizaki sign the agreement in Hanoi yesterday

Le Dinh Tien said, 'This is an important event, opening a new page in relations between the two countries on the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, safety, security and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.' According to Tanizaki, the agreement will create the necessary legal framework and conditions for Japanese and Vietnamese nuclear energy-related agencies, organizations and enterprises to conduct activities and investment cooperation within the framework of the agreement.


In May 2008, Japan and Vietnam signed a nuclear energy cooperation agreement, under which Japan would help Vietnam prepare and plan for the introduction of nuclear energy, educate experts in nuclear power and help the country formulate nuclear safety regulations.


On 31 October 2010, an agreement was signed between Vietnam and Russia for the construction of Vietnam's first nuclear power plant, at Phuoc Dinh, in Ninh Thuan province. Construction of the first two units at Ninh Thuan is scheduled to start in 2014, with the first reactor scheduled to be commissioned by 2020 and the second in 2021.


On the same day, an agreement was made that Japan would be the cooperative partner in a project to construct a second nuclear power plant in the southern Ninh Thuan province.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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