Impact of Mount Polley breach

Tuesday, 19 August 2014
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission has issued a 'request for action' to licensees of uranium mines and mils with tailings facilities in response to tailings dam breach earlier this month at the Mount Polley open pit copper and gold mine in British Columbia.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has issued a 'request for action' to licensees of uranium mines and mills with tailings facilities in response to a tailings dam breach earlier this month at the Mount Polley open pit copper and gold mine in British Columbia.

Licensees with tailings facilities need to review the causes of the breach and confirm that the safety case for the tailings dam at their facility remains valid. They must also confirm that all necessary operations, inspections and monitoring have been conducted in compliance with their licence and licence conditions handbook. In addition, they have to confirm that measures are in place to mitigate breach accidents and report on any gaps and the associated plans to address them.

"This is a reminder that vigilance must be maintained by ensuring that tailings dams continue to be properly designed, constructed, operated, maintained and monitored to prevent such occurrence," CNSC said in a letter to the licensees.

The licensees affected are: Areva, Cameco Corp, Denison Mines Inc, EWL Management Ltd, P.J. Brugger and Associates, Rio Algom Limited, Willet Green Miller Centre.

They have until 15 September to respond to CNSC's request.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

WNN is a public information service of World Nuclear Association.
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