Icebreaker simulator centre

Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Atomflot simulatorA simulator centre for nuclear-powered ships has been inaugurated by Atomflot, the subsidiary of Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom responsible for the operation and maintenance of the country's fleet of nuclear icebreakers.

A simulator centre for nuclear-powered ships has been inaugurated by Atomflot, the subsidiary of Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom responsible for the operation and maintenance of the country's fleet of nuclear icebreakers. 

The company said that the first group of specialists started their training at the new centre in Murmansk on 4 October.


Atomflot simulator
The new nuclear-powered ship simulator centre in Murmansk (Image: Atomflot)


Previously, Atomflot had to send its specialists to the State Maritime Academy "Admiral Makarov" in Saint Petersburg for training. The company said that locating the new simulator centre in Murmansk, where its fleet is based, has "obvious advantages."


Farid Gabbasov, captain of the Soviet Union icebreaker, said that having to travel to Saint Petersburg took sailors some time, was inconvenient and created additional expenses for both the sailors and the company. In addition, the move to Murmansk makes it easier for specialists to be shown ships in service in order to demonstrate any issue of current operation.


Atomflot noted that workers who are nearing completion or who have already finished their careers on nuclear-powered ships will receive training in order to become qualified teachers at the new simulator centre.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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