IAEA reports on Sudan's nuclear power infrastructure

Tuesday, 29 January 2019
There is strong commitment from the government of Sudan to developing the infrastructure needed for a nuclear power programme, a mission from the International Atomic Energy Agency has concluded in its final report.
IAEA reports on Sudan's nuclear power infrastructure
IAEA Deputy Director General Mikhail Chudakov handed over the mission's report to Khider Mohamed Gasm Elseed, Sudan's Minister of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity on 23 January in Khartoum (Image: T Stott / IAEA)

The Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) was conducted between 27 August and 3 September at the invitation of the Sudanese government. INIR missions enable representatives from IAEA member states to have in-depth discussions with international experts about conditions and best international practices in the development of a nuclear power programme.

The INIR mission reviewed the status of Sudan's nuclear infrastructure development using the Phase 1 criteria of the IAEA's Milestones Approach, a comprehensive method to assist countries that are considering or planning their first nuclear power plant. This divides the activities necessary to establish the infrastructure for a nuclear power programme into three progressive phases of development. The end of Phase 1 marks the readiness of a country to make a knowledgeable commitment to a nuclear power programme.

Sudan has already enacted a comprehensive nuclear law, established an independent nuclear regulatory authority and designated the owner/operator for a future nuclear power plant.

IAEA Deputy Director General Mikhail Chudakov said, "I am encouraged that Sudan has involved a wide and comprehensive range of stakeholders in the activities that are being undertaken."

The INIR mission team made several recommendations and suggestions to assist Sudan in making further progress in its nuclear infrastructure development, such as finalising national policies to support the nuclear power programme, strengthening plans to join international legal instruments, developing its legal and regulatory framework, and reviewing and updating its studies to better prepare for the next phase of programme implementation. The team also identified good practices in the areas of national position, as well as site and supporting facilities.

The IAEA noted that Sudan has already developed a national action plan to address these recommendations and suggestions.

Sudan wants to increase its installed electricity capacity to support socio-economic development, particularly in the industrial, agricultural and mining sectors. The government has projected that demand for electricity will more than double to around 8500 MWe by 2031. Of the country's 2015 electricity production of 13 TWh, 8 TWh was from hydro and 5 TWh from fossil fuels.

Sudan in May 2016 signed a framework agreement with China National Nuclear Corporation for construction of one or two 600 MWe nuclear power reactors, and formulation of a nuclear cooperation roadmap for the next ten years and in 2017 signed a memorandum of understanding on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy with Rosatom.

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