IAEA and UNIDO expand cooperation

Monday, 15 June 2020
The International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation have signed an agreement to renew cooperation on the peaceful uses of nuclear technology for inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
IAEA and UNIDO expand cooperation
The signing of the Practical Arrangements by Li and Grossi (Image: UNIDO)

The agreement - formally called Practical Arrangements - was signed on 12 June at the Vienna International Centre by UNIDO Director General Li Yong and IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi. It builds on a prior Relationship Agreement signed between UNIDO and the IAEA.

Together, UNIDO and the IAEA will support the Member States they have in common in the use of nuclear energy for food and agriculture, water and environment, industrial applications, trade-related capacity-building, and mitigating the impacts of climate change, among other areas.

"We have a lot of potential to combine our expertise, resources and networks to support our common Member States," said Li. "This further strengthens the partnership between our two entities as we seek to deliver on our commitments towards the 2030 Agenda. Going forward, we will also leverage partnerships with the business sector and international financial institutions to upscale our collaboration."

"The IAEA and UNIDO are natural partners," Grossi said. "By working together and making use of our complementarities in areas such as food security, plastics and technology applications for the industrial sector, we can really add value to our common Member States."

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