High support for nuclear among Polish citizens

Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Around two-thirds of Poles believe the construction of a nuclear power plant in the country is a good way to combat climate change, according to a survey commissioned by the Polish Energy Ministry. A similar proportion support the construction of power reactors to increase the country's energy security.

Around two-thirds of Poles believe the construction of a nuclear power plant in the country is a good way to combat climate change, according to a survey commissioned by the Polish Energy Ministry. A similar proportion support the construction of power reactors to increase the country's energy security.

The poll, conducted last month by ASM-Centrum Bada i Analiz Rynku, shows that 59% of respondents are in favour of constructing nuclear power plants in Poland. A quarter of those questioned said they strongly supported the construction of reactors. A total of 2000 people aged 15-75 were questioned in the survey.

On the siting of nuclear power plants, 42% of respondents said they would agree with them being built in the area in which they live.

According to the ministry, 76% of respondents said the Polish state should participate in any project to construct a nuclear power plant, while the same proportion think the state should help finance such a project.

The poll showed that 65% considered nuclear energy a low-emissions source of energy that can help address climate change. Also, 67% of respondents favour the construction of nuclear power plants to strengthen Poland's energy security.

Public opinion polls have been carried out on behalf of the ministry since 2012. "Over the past six years, an upward trend has been observed for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland," the ministry noted.

The International Energy Agency said in January that nuclear power could play a significant role in Poland's energy supply, enabling the country to boost its electricity generation capacity from clean energy sources while strengthening its energy security.

Poland's nuclear power programme, which was approved in 2014, foresees two nuclear power plants with 6000 MWe of capacity, with the first one commissioned in 2022. The IEA said, however, that the timeline set out in this previously approved programme, with a final investment decision this year and the first unit operational in 2024, "is no longer attainable", and a revised schedule is expected soon.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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