Government MOX approval for Hamaoka 4

Friday, 6 July 2007
The use of mixed-oxide nuclear fuel (MOX) at Hamaoka 4 has been approved by the Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry. Plant owners Chubu plan to load the fuel from FY2010.
The use of mixed-oxide nuclear fuel (MOX) at Hamaoka 4 has been approved by the Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry. Plant owners Chubu plan to load the fuel from FY2010.

Chubu would also require permission of local government authorities in Shizuoka prefecture before loading the MOX. Chubu has sent its used nuclear fuel to recycling facilities in both France and the UK, where resulting uranium and plutonium stocks wait in store.

Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL) is currently conducting active tests of recycling facilities, and plans to construct MOX fabrication facility at Rokkasho.

Chubu President, Toshio Mita, said: "In order to secure energy supply in Japan, where natural resources are scarce, it is essential to use MOX fuel so that uranium can be used in an efficient way."

MOX consists of a mix of uranium and plutonium oxides, recovered from used nuclear fuel. More than 30 power reactors in Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland use MOX fuel, typically as one third of their cores. Some units can use up to 50% MOX and some very modern designs could use 100% MOX. It is a longstanding Japanese target to use MOX in 16-18 reactors by FY2010.

Chubu has become the fifth generator in Japan to receive approval, and Hamaoka 4 the seventh reactor.

Further information

WNA's Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) information paper

WNN: First Japanese mixed oxide fuel power produced

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