Get WISE to nuclear with new course

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

In line with new courses in nuclear energy, but perhaps towards a different end, the WISE group is to host a one-week course of its own for activitsts.

In line with new courses in nuclear energy, but perhaps towards a different end, the WISE group is to host a one-week course of its own for activists.


The anti-nuclear information and networking group based in the Netherlands has officially announced its Summer School, saying that climate change calls for immediate action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions but "more and more people say that nuclear energy is part of the solution."


Fifty young people from the Netherlands and a similar number from the rest of Europe could attend the one-week course, while 30 of them will accompany WISE with the official Dutch delegation to the climate negotiations in Copenhagen this December. WISE is calling for applications from young adults with "an above average interest in the public debate on climate change and energy supply."


The group will study the science of climate change, debating nuclear energy, perspectives on carbon trading as well as negotiation and mobilisation strategies with speakers from universities and campaign groups. There will be excursions to the Covra intermediate used nuclear fuel storage facility and a climate camp in Belgium. Rogier Bleys of WISE told World Nuclear News the course will show different aspects of the problems the world as a whole is facing, including water and food shortages as well as climate effects and resource issues such as peak oil.

The course is to be run at the Outdoor centre in Veere in the first week of August. The €200 ($280) cost includes meals and a potential re-imbursement of travel expenses "unless you fly."


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